40,000 Ways to Be Beautiful

My 40th birthday is April 9, 2014. Thresholds like this have a way of putting life into perspective because we want our lives to matter. We want to make a difference. So what is it? What can I do? These questions have haunted me as I’ve thought about a worthwhile way to celebrate my 40th.

I think I finally have an answer, but honestly it feels big and scary. And I certainly won’t be able to do it without a lot of help.

The Trip That Changed Me

When I boarded a flight from Miami to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in August 2011, I knew I was in for an intense experience, but I didn’t count on being changed forever. I remember hitting the tar of the runway, looking out the window, and seeing corrugated roofs over sad shacks and rusted-out cars forgotten in the distance.

Think about this for a second. That flight from Miami to Port-au-Prince takes 90 minutes. The average annual income in Miami is $50,000. The average annual income in Haiti? Less than $650. Ninety minutes is the distance between extravagant wealth by any meaningful standard and desperate, utter poverty. I’ve asked over and over, how hard can it be to change things 90 minutes away?

The drive to our hotel shook me to the core. We bounced violently in the van because the road, the main road leaving the country’s main airport, was literally a rut. People everywhere walked barefoot or crammed themselves in makeshift taxis, all of them in a hurry. No one smiled. I remember seeing a gaunt man walking naked down the road.

Everything was dusty. Rubble from the January 2010 earthquake was like so much forgotten litter in the streets. The presidential palace lay collapsed on itself, a symbol of national resignation. It was like this wherever we went for days—dust and mud and grime and debris and desperation.

Then There Was Beauty

Then we visited Heartline Ministries. I’ll never forget walking into the little shop they have there. It is filled with color and craftsmanship. Purses and bags and jewelry that Haitian women made hang neatly around the room. I teared up because for the first time in days, there was life. I saw smiles, and I remember thinking this is an outpost of hope. It was like spiritual relief, that place. I could finally take a breath.

I met Troy and Tara Livesay, who showed us around. One of my favorite places was the maternity center, where the Livesays and others help pregnant women from the first trimester through the first six months of their babies’ lives. The women learn how to care for themselves and their babies in a country where the infant mortality rate is many times higher than in the U.S. It’s dangerous to have a baby in Haiti. But these women at Heartline receive love in the form of kind touch and prenatal vitamins and hot meals and education.

Jumping for Haiti

So here it is. I want to celebrate my 40th by raising $40,000 for my friends at Heartline. And here’s the other thing. I’ve always wanted to jump out of an airplane, but my understanding is that I’m too heavy. I need to lose 20 pounds. I struggle with my weight, but this dream of jumping for Haiti would be strong motivation. Especially with some support, I think I can do it.

So the pitch I’m thinking about making to the world is this: Help me “Jump for Haiti.” Help me raise $40,000 for my friends at Heartline, and I’ll lose weight and do a jump for Haiti. I’ll film the whole thing so in a way you can do the jump with me!

photo credit: gre.ceres via photopin cc

photo credit: gre.ceres via photopin cc

I do love Haiti. I just do. I love this country that has been so ravaged by poverty and violence and natural disasters. Honestly it’s hard to believe Haiti could ever pull itself out of the mire it’s in. And yet there’s hope. There’s Heartline, this small band of Jesus-following pilgrims who are beating back the darkness the best they can.

Darkness be damned, I want to help them.

The idea that I could raise $40,000 for Haiti is, well, it’s crazy, honestly, because who am I? But I cannot think of a better way to turn 40 than to try. Forty thousand dollars may sound like a lot, but think of it this way: we just need 4,000 people to give $10 or 8,000 people to give $5 or 40,000 people to give $1. It’s about reaching thousands of people. It’s about finding 40,000 ways to be beautiful.

That’s where you come in. You can donate, and then you can tell as many people as possible about this crazy guy who wants to lose weight and jump for Haiti. Hey, you can start by tweeting this.

Question: What do you think? Should I try? Will you help me? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

20 thoughts on “40,000 Ways to Be Beautiful

  1. Dear Chad, Happy Birthday! I met you in person at the San Diego Christian Writers Guild in 2009, and because you were open to reading my book proposal, and referred me on to Vicki, I became a published Revell book author in 2011. I promised God in my heart that I would give back because of that book and only a few days ago, I added a “Giving Back” page to my website and also just this past week I asked my hubby to tell me what my 2013 Revell book royalties were, (he does my accounting), so that I could choose where to donate to Christian charity out of my book royalties from 2013. I can’t remember how I found your blog awhile back, but I clicked on it today and saw your post and I knew instantly this was what I was to donate to! God led; I listened and now I want to act and so I want to donate $140 in honor of your birthday cause to help Haiti. I was so touched, and like you, saddened by the situation there as you described it. And since I write often about beauty as a theme in my work, I was also touched greatly to read what you wrote about beauty as a way to overcome too. Kudos for noticing! Please let me know how and where to send the funds for your birthday cause. Thank you for helping me become published with a Christian book publisher and please continue your good work in the world via publishing and know as you turn 40 that you have indeed made a difference through your publishing endeavors both to me, and others. Sincerely, Kathryn Bechen, Author of Small Space Organizing.

      • You are most welcome Chad; I will donate as soon as I can figure out how to do it on your blog. What a cute family you have; love your redheaded kids! My hubby is an auburn redhead so I always notice red hair. 🙂 Love the pix you shared of Haiti too. Precious. Glad to donate! And I am going to mention it on my blog too so maybe someone else will do so. Continue to be a blessing with your wonderful mission! As for the skydiving, I will leave that to you; I can’t personally imagine, ha! You have a great blog too; so nice of you to share what you know about publishing with others. 🙂 Kathryn

  2. You should absolutely do it. Your heart is already changed forever as mine is from working in India. Let me know when you have details and I’ll do my part.

  3. What a great idea! It’s meaningful and a stretch and risky. What a great way to start your 40s. (I’m not far behind!) Go for it! I enjoyed your talk at Jot too. You’ll have to come back and show the video at the next one!

  4. This is a fabulous idea! I love that you want to do something meaningful for your 40th. I don’t know about jumping out of a plane, but the Haiti part is great. 🙂 Would love to donate to the cause when you get it set up! You’ve inspired me to think of what I might do for that birthday. I have two years to go!

    • Thank you, Natasha. I’ll look forward to hearing your own announcement in a couple years. Seriously, thanks for the vote of confidence, and stay tuned!

  5. I deeply admire your commitment to a challenge and to Heartline. Everyone should have that kind of commitment to something that makes the world a better place. I would help you if I had not already found that kind of commitment for myself. With that in mind I pray blessings on your endeavor and wish you every success.

  6. Count me in, Chad. A noble cause and one I’m happy to be part of. To spur you on, I’ll commit to $25 per pound, up to your goal of 20#.

  7. I’m in! I love your creative way to celebrate turning 40–do something big for someone else. You can do it (both lose the weight and raise the money)! Let me know when you’re ready to tweet and start the fundraising :).

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